Sweet peas

The Flower Patch - Jobs for February

February is a short, yet sweet month and there can be a surprising amount to do in the flower patch, especially when the days are still so short.

February is a great month to divide late-summer and autumn-flowering perennials such as Rudbeckia, Crocosmia, Helenium, Penstemon and Sedum. This can increase your stock of plants for free and also rejuvenates plants that have stopped flowering so vigorously. The RHS has good advice about the best methods of dividing for each plant group, so I won't go into detail here, but this is a really worthwhile and satisfying jobs. Plus, it can be quite a workout so will keep you warm on a cold day.

February is the ideal month to prune roses to get them into shape for when the weather warms up and they start growing. You should start to see the shoots appearing on the stems, which makes it all the easier to know where to prune. Start by pruning away the 4 D's (dead, diseased, damaged and downright ugly!) and then aim to prune so that your plant is open. This allows airflow and therefore reduces fungal diseases such as rose blackspot. It is much better to use preventative measures like this than have to resort to a fungicide later (something I don't do as a no-pesticide grower).

Now is a good time to sow a crop of hardy annuals, although this should still be under cover as the small plants won't like a cold snap. You might like to consider ammi majus or ammi visnaga, Cerinthe, Clary sage, cornflowers, Nigella or Snapdragons. Sweet peas are also a good option to sow now.

If you are interested in growing your own cut flowers, why not join me on my Sustainable Cut Flower Patch course in June.

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